Herd sire and pure bred Limousin Bullseye as a yearling

Limousin history and Lim-Flex variation

Buff Beef Ranch

The Limousin breed originated in France, was transported to Canada in the 1960s, then finally arrived in the U.S. in 1971. Limousins are known for their hardiness in cold climates, early maturity, docility and calving ease. For more info, see http://www.nalf.org/history.php.

"Lim-Flex" stands for Limousin Efficiency Cross (X). Limousin cattle are muscular with a fast growth rate and, when they are bred with red or black Angus, it results in added marbling.

Our herd is currently comprised of a mixture of Limousin and Lim-Flex cattle.

Lim-Flex hybrids expand the range of crossbreeding solutions and results in:

-Flexible seedstock for simple, easily managed crossbreeding

-Flexible market progeny that consistently hit dressing percent, along with yield and quality grade targets for mainstream, case-ready markets

-Flexible females adapted for efficiency across a wide range of environments

For more complete information, see: http://www.nalf.org/pdf/2010/sep23/breedersguidelimflex.pdf